Is Direct Mail Right for Your Business?

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Here at Mail Box & Pack, we know that your business is important to you, and we want to help you do what’s best for it. One of the most important parts of running any business is advertising to new customers and maintaining relationships with the ones you already have. There are a variety of strategies and methods you can use to do this, but in our experience, one of the most effective options is direct mail. In this article, we’ll go over more about how direct mail works and provide advice for how to tell if it is the right method for your business.

Is Direct Mail Right for Your Business?

  • Cut Through Digital Noise. As the name suggests, direct mail involves sending out letters, coupons, or other promotional material to your clients’ addresses directly. While this method may seem outdated in the digital age, we have found that it actually works to make your brand stand out more–while email promotions tend to get filtered out by spam blockers, or blur together with countless similar emails from other brands, snail mail letters stick around longer, and therefore stick in your customers’ minds as well.
  • Use Data-Backed Methods. Another reason you may want to consider direct mail is that the market data backs up its effectiveness. According to a survey by Small Business Trends magazine, 54% of customers prefer to receive updates through direct mail as opposed to other means. On top of that, 56% of the survey respondents also stated that they considered direct mail to be the most trustworthy form of marketing. When over half of your customer base agrees on something, it’s wise to take their word for it.
  • Make It Cost Effective. A third reason to consider direct mailing is that it is highly cost effective. While digital marketing may seem cheaper, in reality, many businesses end up spending as much as $25 per click–in contrast, direct mailing options can cost as little as $1 per item, including the cost of mailing, which makes it a great choice for any business.

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