Why a Mailbox Rental is Ideal

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If you have recently moved or you are unsatisfied with your current mailbox service, we highly recommend mailbox rentals. Mailbox rentals are simple and straightforward and offer a lot of great benefits. Just some of the reasons we recommend a mailbox rental for all your mail needs are:

  • Security – A mailbox rental is one of the most secure ways to receive mail. An unsecure mailbox at your home welcomes thieves and problems with identity theft. When ordering packages through UPS, FedEx, Amazon or DHL, your packages are often left at your doorstep, which is becoming less safe with increased mail theft. It is also the most secure and safe way to send and receive mail without the other party knowing your home address. This can become an issue with running a business out of your home.

Why a Mailbox Rental is Ideal

  •  Convenient – If your package needs to be signed for and you are not home to sign for it, your package will not be delivered, and you will be delayed in receiving your shipment. This is not a problem with a mailbox rental. Your packages requiring a signature will still be left for you to sign for at your convenience.
  • Other Carries – The U.S. Postal Service will not accept shipments from other carriers like FedEx, UPS and Amazon. This is a problem when you have a P.O. Box and you are wanting to have items shipped to you with one of these other carriers. When you have a mailbox rental this is not an issue and you will receive all of your mail in your mailbox.

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