When you are selling a consumable product, there isn’t much need to consistently grow your customer base. However, when you are in business to sell services or a product that most customers won’t buy a second time, you need effective marketing strategies to boost your customer base on a consistent basis. Bulk mail has been utilized for nearly as long as the postal system has been in operation and has proven to be a great way to reach your target audience.
It is important to consider various bulk mail strategies, however, to ensure the recipients pay attention to the mail piece. Here are a few suggestions:
- Postcards- You won’t have to worry about whether the recipients will open an envelope when you put your message on a postcard. Postcards are also cheaper to send.
- Enclosures- An envelope with an enclosure that can be felt through the envelope will garner more curiosity than a flat one, so it is more likely to be opened by the recipient.
- Giveaways- You can use bulk mail to share what you will provide as a gift for coming in to see you. Make sure the giveaway is substantial enough to grab attention and makes sense with your promotional budget, your conversion rate, and the profit margin of the item or service you are selling. An example is how some timeshare companies give away a free stay to get you to listen to a sales pitch.
The final piece of advice is to work with a bulk mail service that will help you identify and target your market, based on location and demographics. Turn to us at Mail Box & Pack in Hendersonville, North Carolina to guide you through the bulk mail process. We have partnered with Reliant Mailing Services to give you comprehensive services to make your bulk mail campaign a breeze with a mail piece that your target audience is going to love.