FedEx, Hendersonville, NC

Get your packages where they need to go.

Federal Express Corp. (what you know today as FedEx) was founded in 1971 after Fred Smith came up with a plan to accommodate urgent, time-sensitive shipments while he was at Yale. Since then, FedEx has only continued to grow, and today it has become one of the preferred ways to ship a package throughout the country.

FedEx in Hendersonville, North Carolina

If you want a package to go somewhere fast, ship it through FedEx. But first, bring it to our location at Mail Box & Pack. We’ll make sure your package is properly packaged with the correct postage, so you have no issues getting it where it needs to go.

FedEx is one of the carriers we work with, and they come to our location on a daily basis to pick up packages. You can choose to have your package shipped through FedEx Ground or FedEx Express, depending on your preferences and timeline. Carriers from both branches pick up and ship from our location.

People throughout Hendersonville, North Carolina prefer coming to our location as a starting point when they need to ship packages through FedEx. Our team members are friendly and reliable, and we’ll make sure your package gets to where it needs to go.

Make your life easier by dropping off your packages for FedEx at our location. For more information about our pick-up times or how we can help with your packing and shipping needs, contact us today.

At Mail Box & Pack, our clients can ship FedEx packages from our location that serves Hendersonville, Arden, Fletcher, Laurel Park, Lake Lure, Mountain Home, Flat Rock, East Flat Rock, Tryon, Etowah, and Mills River, North Carolina.

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