Have your mail delivered to a secure location.
If you run a business out of an office or out of your home, you may not want your private address listed on your business communications. This could open you up to breaches of security and general concerns about your privacy. This is why you have probably already looked into renting a P.O. box from the nearest post office. However, a P.O. box is not your only option, and you should look into private mailboxes as well before making a final decision.
Rent a private mailbox from us at Mail Box & Pack and benefit from the convenience and privacy this type of mail delivery option offers. We offer competitive rates on our private mailbox options, and our location is a convenient hub to take care of other tasks you need to complete for your business, like copying, faxing, shipping, packaging, and more.
Rent a private mailbox from us, and you’ll have 24-hour access to your box. This way, you don’t have to stress about picking up your mail during critical business hours when you have too much to do. Your packages also won’t fall victim to theft, the weather, or accidental wrong delivery to a neighbor.
We provide everyone in Arden, North Carolina who rents a private mailbox from us with free fax receiving services and free notary services. To find out more about renting a private mailbox from us, give us a call or stop by our location for a visit.
At Mail Box & Pack, we offer mailbox options for clients from Hendersonville, Arden, Fletcher, Laurel Park, Lake Lure, Mountain Home, Flat Rock, East Flat Rock, Tryon, Etowah, and Mills River, North Carolina.