What is Variable Data Printing and Why Should You Be Using It?

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Most of us have been the recipient of variable data printing without actually knowing what it is. What we know, however, is that we are more likely to pay attention when a mail piece has been customized to our interests. If you are a business, wouldn’t you like to create that bond with everyone you send a marketing piece to? In the past, variable data printing was used in a limited capacity, such as putting the person’s name on a postcard. With today’s technology, you can produce customized printing documents with specific graphics or text that based on a customer’s information.

variable data printing was used in a limited capacity

As one example of how variable data printing can be used, consider being able to mail coupons to customers based on what they have purchased in the past. You could also tailor a special sale directed to a specific type of customer or potential customer. Major grocery stores are already doing this, and any business can do the same thing with the right software and variable data printing vendor. The effect is a one-to-one marketing experience that looks more sophisticated than traditional marketing but requires less effort than you might think.

At Mail Box & Pack in Hendersonville, North Carolina, we have the capability to produce direct mail pieces that utilize variable data printing technology. When you consider that this process can increase response rates by 30% or more on the mailing, it is an excellent way to grow your business. We are happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote on any of our services. Call today to learn more or schedule a consultation. We’ll do our best to help you hit the bullseye with your next mailing.

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