Shredding and Other Services for Estates

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Being in charge of settling a decedent’s estate can be a long, frustrating task. Some people have a mountain of things they need to process before they can liquidate and distribute assets to the heirs. The more that you can outsource, the quicker you’ll get through it and keep your sanity in the process.

Shredding and Other Services for Estates

It might surprise you how helpful our company at Mail Box & Pack can be during this busy time. Here are a few of our services to consider:

  • Shredding services- It is a good idea to properly dispose of old bank statements, credit card statements, old tax returns, and other documents that disclose personal information about the decedent. Identity theft may not affect someone personally if they are no longer alive, but it can cause some issues as you are closing the estate and may also affect their family members. Shredding everything is the best way to have peace of mind that these problems will be avoided.
  • Estate shipping and packing- If you have items that have been bequeathed to someone out of town, bring them to us, and we’ll handle everything, including packing in bubble wrap and shipping. We can even handle international shipping if needed.
  • Notary services- You will undoubtedly have many documents that will need notarized signatures as you work to settle the estate.
  • Fax service- Should you need to get a document sent somewhere quicker than it could arrive by mail or another shipping method, consider having it faxed.
  • Copy & print services- You may come across some documents, photos, or other items that you would want to share with all the beneficiaries.
  • Scanning- Before shredding certain items, it isn’t a bad idea to have them scanned so you still have documentation should the need arise as you are settling the estate.

If you are in the Hendersonville, North Carolina area and would like assistance as you settle an estate, reach out to us. Let us help you complete your duties to the estate with ease. Contact us today to learn more.

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