There are many methods you can use to advertise your business. You might run print ads in local publications, broadcast ads on local TV or radio stations, or run online campaigns through email or Google. In our experience at Mail Box & Pack, one strategy that many people overlook these days is direct mail. While many assume this technique is obsolete, it can still generate great returns, so we encourage you to give it a try.
In this article, our team will go over a few of the benefits of direct mail to help you figure out if it is right for your business’ needs.
- Direct Mail Performs Better Than Email – According to a consumer insights report, direct mail has a better rate of return than email advertising. 50% of the people surveyed in this study stated that direct mail felt more important than email, and 62% of people said direct mail has inspired them to act.
- Direct Mail Stands Out – Another advantage of direct mail is that there is less competition among direct mail ads. These days, many people receive dozens or even hundreds of emails each week, which makes it hard for any marketing email to stand out from the noise of all the other emails. In contrast, the average household in the US receives fewer than 400 pieces of direct mail per year, which means your direct mail ad has a better chance of catching attention.
- Direct Mail is Efficient – A third benefit of direct mail is the way it allows you to reach more than one person at a time. When you send a direct mailer, it will likely be seen by everyone in the household, not just the person it is addressed to. This gives you a chance to reach more people with a single ad.